Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Pope

Another Reason Why I'm Not Catholic: Check out this link.
As someone who is applying for the Peace Corps in order that I may teach about propper health practices and community youth development this is utterly disgusting. I understand conservative viewpoints on sex etc. but what I refuse to understand, entertain a notion of and accept are idiotic people in positions of power. Way to isolate a nation asshole! Are the condoms the cause of so much AIDS virus in Africa? According to the Pope they certainly are. Never mind the fact that inadequate education and the lack of commercial availability to condoms in some parts of Africa could cause a rise in the virus. Forget the fact that abstinence only education is not affective in preventing STDS. Don't bother to remember that when presented with the propper safe sex options in conjunction with a portion of abstinence education people feel like they have a choice. Oh, wait they do, but the Pope either refuses to recognize it or in his elderly wisdom has just forgotten that abstinence only is not affective. Its about a choice. You give people a choice and most people will choose safety if they know it exists.
Despite the utter disgust that I feel concerning our Pope it has not quenched my desire to serve overseas. I figure the more people scream against safer sex education the more I want to educate against what they are yelling about. I hope that in his infinite well of Godly wisdom the Pope feels proud. I hope you are proud of how you insulted a nation and just made yourself appear even more uneducated in the eyes of the rest of the world.

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